Negative Effects Problem Gambling

It’s bad for the gaming community to turn a blind eye when outsiders point to the negative effects. In fact, back in 2011, a gamer died at an internet cafe after playing for three days straight. A baby died in 2014 because their parents neglected it due to their gaming addiction. Effects of Problem Gambling on the Gambler Problem Gambling can have a serious impact on the physical, emotional, and financial health of individuals who gamble, as well as their families. Why Can't I Just Stop? How did this happen? Addiction to gambling can lead to a change in mindset, behaviour and attitude. In The Star (‘The adverse effects of gambling’ 2006, p. 23), Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) states that one could become a dishonest person who has to constantly worry about debts. According to MCPF (2006), whenever a gambler becomes obsessed with. The survey provides extensive information about patterns of gambling in New South Wales, attitudes toward gambling, gambling preferences, and information relating to the negative effects associated with problem gambling, among other things. The study details the approach taken to estimate the prevalence of problem gambling.

  1. Negative Effects Problem Gambling Addiction
  2. Negative Effects Problem Gambling Definition
  3. Negative Effects Problem Gambling Winnings
  4. Negative Effects Problem Gambling Losses


The negative effects of gambling can destroy the entire family. What starts as fun at the casino, or a night out with the boys becomes a living nightmare. Lies, manipulation, lack of trust – and after it's over -- remorse -- all the promises Never to do it again…..until the next time.

Negative Effects Problem Gambling Addiction

This is similar to all addictions, but with gambling, you can hide it.

You can’t see the gambling in their eyes or smell it on their breath so the problem is often only discovered in a crisis.

Besides losing $$$ here are other negative effects of gambling

For the addict:


Mental health issues – depression, anxiety, diminished self-esteem, increased alcohol, drugs, suicidal thought and even suicide.

Physical health problems –insomnia, headaches, back or neck pain, stomach upset and numerous other ailments.

Negative Effects Problem Gambling Definition

Self-care –not eating right, poor sleep habits, personal hygiene etc.


Social issues – arguments, relationship issues, alienation, separation, divorce, physical or mental abuse etc.

Financial problems – job loss, pressure of debt and paying loans and bills, bankruptcy.

Legal problems – theft, fraud, arrests, jail.

School/work problems – absenteeism, decreased productivity, lack of interest.

If you are living with an addict or are related to one, I’m sure you can add to this list.

The addict puts the family in financial crisis. This is a huge burden and the negative effects of gambling can lead to ongoing debt and losing your house.

There's financial pressure as well as emotional pressure:

Negative Effects Problem Gambling Winnings

Lying covering up and making excuses for his/her behavior.

Mental health problems anxiety, depression, anger, resentment, embarrassment, exhaustion and self doubt.

Physical problems insomnia, ulcers, digestive problems, headaches, neck and back pain and other stress-related health problems.

Self-esteem issues feeling of helplessness, insecurity, being overwhelmed and even feeling that they are responsible.

Relationship problems (as if I had to tell you this right?)

Role reversalchildren taking care of parents, parents overprotecting their children, partners performing all of the household tasks that they previously shared, lack of sexual and emotional intimacy.

Verbal and physical abuse this leads to continuous arguments, loneliness, separation and divorce.

Caring for yourself There may be so much focus on the gambler, family members may neglect themselves. I often tell my clients ‘you’re a person too’ and they seem surprised to hear it. There’s never any time for themselves.

Friends and co-workers also pay a price. They are manipulated into lending money. There’s the lying, covering up and making excuses for the gambler’s behavior. They may suffer verbal as well as physical abuse and even financial problems when they're money is not repaid.

Help is available and even recovery. There are help lines that are open for immediate crisis. Gamblers Anonymous provides support and you may even be able to get financial counseling.

There are inexpensive rehabs that specialize in this addiction. These are often funded by the government, “to help” with the problem. But they don’t contribute anywhere close to the amount of funds that they make from this addiction. And then there are specialists such as myself whom you can consult.


Are you in denial or are enabling a gambler?

Are you enabling a gambler. Enabling is not helping

Gambling on line is another addiction and on-line gambling can become a

computer addiction

If you feel desperate, counseling, coaching or a consultation can be a invaluable.

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Negative Effects Problem Gambling

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(Source: Responsible Gambling Council)

Negative Effects Problem Gambling Losses

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