Poker Loose Cannon Definition
- Poker Loose Cannon Definition Biology
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- Poker Loose Cannon Definition Dictionary
In 2011, after winning a qualifier tournament on PokerStars, she submitted an audition tape and ultimately was featured as a ‘Loose Cannon’ on PokerStars cash game television show the Big Game. After a few years into her online career, she was playing mostly heads-up Sit & Go’s. For instance, poker cards are usually 3 1/2' high by 2 1/2' wide; bridge cards are only slightly smaller, at 3 1/2' high by 2 1/4' wide. However, if larger cards might be easier for you or a recipient to read, you can go bigger. If you are printing up playing or teaching cards for your little one, you may. The definition of addiction is: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. An addiction is no longer an addiction if you are able to control the desire to act out and no longer have a crippling dependency. A similar phrase that first springs to mind is loose cannon, which etymologically has little to do with a cannon's firepower, but more to do with the dangers of a unsecured cannon rolling around on the deck of a ship. Idioms using the word glass can refer to fragility (as in glass cannon), but the word often connotes transparency as well. Players interested in attending the UK Open should be mindful of the British law that requires non-member players (referring to the host Loose Cannon Club) to register at least 48 hours in advance.
When Cari Bershell stepped onto the set of The Big Game she was hoping to see two people: Phil Hellmuth and Daniel Negreanu. She wanted to play with Phil because 'he always doubles up the loose cannons,' while she thought Negreanu would be a ball to play with. The Big Game is a TV show, which stakes PokerStars qualifiers $100,000 to play in a cash game against some of the top pros in the world. But Daniel and Phil were not among the five villains Cari would be grappling with for a chance to win life-changing money. The line-up was still fierce though, featuring Team PokerStars pros Jason Mercier, Eugene Katchalov, reigning World Series of Poker Champion Jonathan Duhamel, poker pro Bob Voulgaris and billionaire Guy Laliberte.

Cari, used to small stakes live cash games, made adjustments to her play based on watching previous episodes of the Big Game and thinking about the format. The loose cannon only gets to keep winnings over the initial $100,000 stake, which encourages risk-taking, including thin calls and bluffs that might not be profitable in an ordinary game. The top loose cannon of the season wins a North American Poker Tour passport worth $50,000, which adds even more incentive for the cannons to seek action. Cari was determined not to let the lights, stakes and excitement cause her to play too passively. She told PokerStars Women, 'Watching the first season and seeing some players freeze under the pressure' made her realize how important it was to stay calm and collected.
From the very start, Cari showed the pros that she couldn't be pushed around, calling third pair against a three-barrel bluff by Duhamel. In another early dramatic hand against Mercier, she pulled off a bluff of her own. Mercier raised under the gun and Cari called in the small blind with 77. She bet out on a Q♥2♠5♦ board and got heads-up with Mercier. The J♠ turn was checked through. Cari then overbet the river, after which Mercier tank-folded. Upon watching the episode later, Cari saw Jason's hole cards and was surprised by how strong his holding was: Q♦T♣.
Throughout the week, Cari was relentlessly aggressive and built her stack up to over $155,000 by the final episode. Cari was just a double -up away from grabbing the lead for the coveted NAPT passport. At this point, she got involved in a fateful hand against Guy Laliberte, founder of Cirque De Soleil and the One Drop Foundation. First to act, Guy raised with A♠K♠ while Cari called on the button with A♦T♥ and Jason Mercier called in the Big Blind with 5♥3♥. The flop was a lovely sight for Cari: A♥T♠4♣ for top two pair. The turn brought the ugly K♦, bringing Guy a better two pair. After calling bets on all three streets, Cari ended up losing an 80K pot. Despite this cooler, Cari ended the season with $27,000 in profit. Cari was even proud of the unlucky hand, 'I think a lot of loose cannons in my position would have gotten stacked.'
Since the show's taping, Cari has moved up from 1-2 to 2-5 and 5-10 NL cash. At the time of filming, Cari was a college admissions officer. Additionally, Cari has degrees in physics and law and recently moved from Las Vegas to Houston to take the bar exam. She is still passionate about poker and is also busy building her bankroll for live tournaments.
Cari would love to see more women taking up poker. As she watched the full season of the Big Game, she found growing admiration for Team Poker Stars Pro Vanessa Selbst, who appeared on the third episode: 'I'm glad she was not at my table. We probably would have been running into each other a lot.'
This season's other female loose cannon, Courtney Gee, is no stranger to PokerStars Women. Courtney, a Vancouver-based tournament pro, plays in the weekly Women's Sunday and qualified to this year's PokerStars Caribbean Adventure via a PokerStars Live Women's satellite. Courtney's line-up included Team PokerStars Pro Daniel Negreanu, Phil Laak, business man Rick Salomon, poker pro Bryn Kenney and Randy Lew, aka 'nanonoko' of Team PokerStars Online.
Gee lost most of her chips in an unfortunate hand where she got queens all in preflop against Salomon's pair of tens. When a ten flopped, Courtney said, 'my heart sank...but I took it better than I thought it would.' In response to some commentary that her style was overly tight for the format, Courtney replied, 'I'm happy with the way I played. Though I may not have played optimally for the Big Game, I played in a way that should be profitable.'
Since the show, Courtney has increased her volume and says she feels like a different player, 'I've learned to hand-read better, and (deepened) my understanding of stack-sizes and position.' She's also posted a number of stellar results on PokerStars this summer, including 1st place in a $44 15K guaranteed Turbo, chopping a $11 Rebuy for almost 10K and final tabling a $162 freezeout.
Courtney also plays the Women's Sunday every week. 'I'm really impressed that Stars has worked so hard to involve women. I hope more women start playing poker. I just think it's an amazing game. '
To watch the full episodes see Courtney Gee and Cari Bershell.
You would think poker players can be simply be divided into two types of players – winners and losers, but defining poker players is a little more complex than that.
There are several different basic styles of playing poker and many types of player. Some will play tight or loose, some play aggressively and some passive.
Being a winning player is about being able to spot what type of players are at your table and adjust your game strategy to beat each of type of player. It is also vital to adjust your game so other players are unable to easily categorize your style of play, making your play less predictable at the poker table – this is known as changing gears.
There are four main types and styles of poker players – which are you?
1) TAG – Tight Aggressive
This is generally regarded as the best default strategy for playing poker, combining the two key elements to being a TAG player.
a) Playing tight with very solid pre-flop hand selection, playing premium hands in early position and only considering more risky speculative hands in late position or on the button.
b) Playing aggressively with hands that you have committed your self to play if where the balls and strength comes in, having reduced the risk of getting beaten you bet and bet hard.
2) LAG – Loose Aggressive
This used to be regarded as one of the worse styles for playing poker, combining two of the riskiest elements leading to very dramatic swings in bankroll. However, if you can master the style and it’s totally unpredictable nature means you can win big if you know when to play like a loose cannon on a mission and when to rein it in a bit.
a) Playing loose means playing lots and lots of hands, ruling out only the very least playable hands pre-flop, playing hands in early position when others would fold. Hoping to hit monster flops with hidden hands that nobody would have expected like low pairs making tips or unconnected cards making long shot straights.
b) Playing aggressively regardless of your hand means LAG players will tend to bluff more and bully the table with (no hand), and generally rely on their aggression to steam roll over players who are scared by this style and don’t know how or when to fight back.
While playing loose aggressive might appear to be a bad style of play, due to it’s unpredictable and aggressive style its can be one of the better approaches to the modern poker game, playing passively is generally a bad style of play.
LAG players are often seen as either and degenerate gamblers, loosing fortunes and their bankrolls on a whim or poker geniuses if they are winning and making the “right” decisions against all the odds.
3) Tight Passive
This is one of the easier styles to spot and one of the easiest to play against, tight passive players tend to fold a lot of hands in the first place and can then be forced to fold a lot of the hands they do play when the board cards look scary or you show moderate aggression.
a) Playing tight doesn’t always mean making the best pre-flop selections it often means players fail to consider table position, ignoring hands that could be playable in later position, sticking only with a few premium hands regardless of any leverage they have.
b) Passive players don’t take the initiative, they are scared to bet first, cautious to bet big and rarely bluff unless they have the nuts or the second best hand. They will also bail on even strong hands if scare cards hit the board and may have beaten their hand.
Known as “Rocks” or “” these passive and nitty tight players use only one half of the puzzle making them very easy to exploit. They will often blind themselves away and complain of being card dead when in reality they fail to take calculated risk, relying far too much on both good cards and good flops and then they wonder why nobody calls their first pre-flop raise in 40 hands that clearly screams only aces or kings.
4) Loose Passive
This is the worst way to play poker, being neither aggressive nor tight means these players are playing many hands, calling a lot of the time, rarely feeling strong enough to raise or take control of the game.
Poker Loose Cannon Definition Biology
a) Playing loose, seeing lots of flops and paying to see just another card generally creates a lot more problems and difficult decisions than it solves. It’s a sure fire way to donk off chips at the table.

b) Playing passively is also a cardinal sin unless you are trying to trap players which should only be done selectively IF you have the or a monster hand and then if you play too passively you can find you have let too many players get ahead of you.
Known as “” loose passive players are the fish at the table who hate to fold but rarely show strength either and they will add to your chip stack time and time again calling your , just don’t try to bluff them.
What Is The Best Poker Style?
Tight Aggressive Poker or TAG is the solid and seeming simple style that most players aim to play because it’s easy to learn the best poker starting hands combined with position, and it still remains consistently profitable default or base style against most other styles of play.
Solid hand selection + position + aggression = profit
However many players who think they are playing a solid TAG game tend to either be playing more like Rocks or more like Calling Stations than they realize.
Fixing Leaks
The two main faults are failing to mix up your game and not adjusting to the community cards.
Failing to ever mix it up or change gears even briefly makes you very easy to read often referred to as being an ABC player which can be easily exploited by more experienced players who have a default TAG style but will often play different styles at different players to mix up their game.
Poker Loose Cannon Definition Us History
Failing to re-assess the strength of your hand at all streets and adjust how much you value your hand when the community cards or your opponents betting suggests you are no longer in control or ahead of the game.
Article Author:
Poker Loose Cannon Definition Dictionary
Scrawnybob is a recreational poker player, blogger and webmaster.